Thursday, December 20, 2012


Cassie here! Wanted to post this picture of Aslan! He is so silly. He thinks the tree skirt is a blanket. He covered hisself up wif it!
Here is me chillin this morning in the bafroom sinks.
Me and Aslan likes our cat tree momma got us a couple of months ago! I cans gets all the ways to the top. Aslan can't.... He's too little! Well have a wonderful holidays and Aslan or I will post another bloggie soon!

<3, Cassie


Monday, December 10, 2012

Snow Cat!

OMC!!!! Looks at all the white stuffs. There is even some on mes. Mama says the white stuffs is called snow and that it will be here for a whiles. I do not likes this.
It is really cold.  How long is this icky white stuffs gonna be here. I want it to go away. I wants my grass back :-( 


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Merry Catmas And Stuff

Merry Catmas everyone! Cassie here. As you can see mom put the tree up. Aslan tries to climb it. That silly boy. That makes mom mad. She said that this year Santa Paws is gonna bring me and Aslan nips for Catmas. She says we has too many toys and enough treats for now.

Mom gots a new couch in September. Its is comfy and Aslan and I likes to lay on it. She says it is all paid off now.  Now that mom got her camera working again she has been going picture crazy.
Here is one of me purched on top of the fridge. I like to snooze there.
Here is a close up of me. What do you think? Did Mom get my good side?  Well that is all for now. Have a wonderful Holiday. We will blog again Soon.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Sleepy Aslan and Catmas

Geeze mom why do you take pictures of me asleepies? It is so not flattering. Iz not likes it at all.
see what I mean?
Okays.... That is much betters.  See how bigs I am getting. Mama says I am 7 or 8 pounds now. She says Catmas is coming and that someone named Santa Paws is going to bring me and Cassie catnips as a purrresents. I don't know what Catmas is or who Santa paws is but I do like purresents. By the way what IS Catmas and WHO is Santa paws anyway. Well more later. Cassie will probably do the next blog. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Happy Purrsday

Hello there! It is Purrsday and Cassie and I is being lazy.....
I has been here for over a month now and I likes it here alot.As you can see I is getting bigger now. At my last vet appointment the doctor said I gained over a pound! Mom says I may get to be even bigger than Cassie. See my strippies???? Is likes them..... So does mom. She says that her sister Holly now has my litter mate and real brofur Ethan whom they have now called Mr. Snuggles. Here is his picture.... he is darker than me.
Maybe mom can set up a playdate fur us! Happy Purrsday....

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Caturday Snuggles

Mom, did you really have to get this picture???? I know it is cute but come on! As you can see Aslan and I are getting along pretty good. We is furrends now. Wes like to wrestle. It's fun. Isn't he getting big? On Monday is is going to the V-E-T for an S-H-O-T and in October he is going to be declawed and fixed. My gotcha day was on Wednesday.... mom remembered and I gots treats and lots of attention. I think I will let Aslan do the next bloggie post! Hope You caturday was good.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday With Cassie and Aslan

Hello, It's me Cassie. I am back again after dis blog was catjacked by that darn kitten, Aslan. Since he doesn't seem to be leaving anytime soon I decided to just go with it and get along with him. I have to admit he is adorable, but he seems to like to play with my tail and I don't like that. Mom said she just HAD to take this picture because it was sooooooo cute. Note to mom.....: NO MORE KITTENS! Me and Aslan are enough! MOL! Purrs to all on this purreffic Sunday!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Hello Aslan

Hello! Aslan here! I is taking over dis here bloggie. Iz came to live wif mom and Cassie on July 19th! I really likes my new home. Its gots lots of toys fur me to play wif. Mom has discovered Iz liked to climb and jump. I am also a cuddler. mom says it may takes a while but eventually cassie will get used to me. in the meantime we both will get lots of cuddles and attention!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A New Brofur!!!?????

Wow its has been a long time since Iz posted. OMC what is this!!!!!!????? Mom says I may be getting a new brofur. The animals place named him Evan but if he comes to lives with us mom says his name is going to be Aslan.She says it's turkish for "lion" and she got it from The Chronicles Of Narnia.  Mom's application for him has to be approved first and he won't come and live with us till August. I don't know how I will react to this. Oh well I am sure I will get over it. After all he is a cute little thing