Hello, Aslan here! I know it has been a long times since we updated our bloggies and Cassie and I are very sorry and from now on will try to update more often. Guess what?! It is my very first Gotcha Day!!! It has been 1 whole year since I came to live with Mama and Cassie. I love thems so much and they love me too. When I came here I was so tiny. Mama has taken pictures to show how much I has grown!
This picture was taken at the shelter 2 weeks before I came home!
This was taken the day after I came home!
See, this was after I has been living here a month!
This was at Catmas time!!!
This was on Valentine's Day!
Saint Patrick's Day!!! I can't believe mama took this picture..... I was not amused!
......And here we are 1 year laters. I thinks I has grown up nicely. I loves my family so much! Well will post another blog post soon!
Awwww Aslan you was such an adorable kittin and you you is grown and still adorable. Fanks for sharing these pictures with us. :)