Thursday, July 18, 2013

Happy Gotcha Day Aslan!!!!!

Hello, Aslan here! I know it has been a long times since we updated our bloggies and Cassie and I are very sorry and from now on will try to update more often. Guess what?! It is my very first Gotcha Day!!! It has been 1 whole year since I came to live with Mama and Cassie. I love thems so much and they love me too. When I came here I was so tiny. Mama has taken pictures to show how much I has grown!
This picture was taken at the shelter 2 weeks before I came home!
This was taken the day after I came home!
See, this was after I has been living here a month!
This was at Catmas time!!!
This was on Valentine's Day!
Saint Patrick's Day!!! I can't believe mama took this picture..... I was not amused!
......And here we are 1 year laters. I thinks I has grown up nicely. I loves my family so much! Well will post another blog post soon!